+44 7961 456 061 info@godlifetoday.com



We understand the significance of regular interaction with other members of God’s family. We see real biblical friendship as a requirement to develop in the things of God. Our meeting are always rich with interaction and focus on the wholesome truth found within the bible.

Come and join us and gain greater encouragement in the things of God.

visit our weekly

word service

We meet every Saturday for fellowship to hear a word in season as a corporate body.

Our E3 Principle is a core initiative of God Life Today. With a focus on Bible Education, Spiritual Edification & Personal Empowerment. Come and be filled

Join us weekly to see more light and learn how to walk in the Spirit

Pastor Zeke - Godlife
God life Church


tuesday bible study

If you have bible questions and are looking for real BIBLE answers. 

Our interactive weekly bible study is just the place for you. We navigate through the Bible one character at a time, one principle at a time.  Unravelling the truth in the verses to gain a greater clarity and understanding.

wednesday is

a time to pray

Join us weekly online as we stream our regular segment of prayer and intercession for the nations. 

The focus of this stream is to remember our leaders, neighboring nations and those in need of a word of prayer.

A time to pray live stream

come have fun on

fellowship friday

Our monthly Friday meetings are a time for food fun and fellowship. Previously we have had movie nights, documentary discussions and there is always an opportunity for winding down your week once a month in the company of your faith family.

try our

monthly fast

Fasting is an integral part of your spiritual development.

No matter if this is your very first fast or you are seasoned in fasting experience. Our monthly fast is the perfect way for you to start and end your month.

Why not join us this month and develop a new aspect of your spiritual devotion.

Biblical Fasting
Monday Prayer Call

wise men

pray on mondays

 The spiritual man has been assigned a unique role in the Kingdom of God. This role in no way diminishes the significance of our, wives, daughters, sisters and mothers. Yet to ignore the charge of our benevolent creator would be irresponsible.

Men, come and join us weekly on Monday’s at 6am  for a 30 min prayer call to ensure your week is started the way you mean it to dedicated to God in prayer.


"The activation of true spiritual maturity in the church is required to see the change we all long for. Remember the onus is on you!"

brother zeke

If God sees me that way, who am I to say that I'm not that person! Identity - Do You Resemble Your Spiritual Image Part 3

bentamin itela

"Many people are prematurely aborting their destiny - Jumping out of the vehicle before they reach their destination

brother zeke


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